On Thu, 2009-07-30 at 09:33 +0100, Darren J Moffat wrote:
> Roman V Shaposhnik wrote:
> > On the read-only front: wouldn't it be cool to *not* run zfs sends 
> > explicitly but have:
> >     .zfs/send/<snap name>
> >     .zfs/sendr/<from-snap-name>-<to-snap-name>
> > give you the same data automagically? 
> > 
> > On the read-write front: wouldn't it be cool to be able to snapshot
> > things by:
> >     $ mkdir .zfs/snapshot/<snap-name>
> That already works if you have the snapshot delegation as that user.  It 
> even works over NFS and CIFS.

It is very nice to know (and as other posters noted: perhaps we should
be more verbose about these things)

I have to ask though: do you guys have a list of zfs features that are
scheduled to be available via POSIX fs APIs? 

I could very imagine how clone/promote/send/recv can be managed in a
similar fashion.


P.S. It is tempting to think that our feedback on snapshotting via
.zfs/snapshot was taken into account -- the trouble is, we were 
suggesting that around the same time you were implementing it ;-)

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