Are there any improvements in the Solaris 10 pipeline for how compression is implemented?

I changed my USB-based backup pool to use gzip compression (with default level 6) rather than the lzjb compression which was used before. When lzjb compression was used, it would case the X11 session to become jerky and unresponsive while data was copied to the backup pool. With gzip compression, the system just "goes away" for as long as eight seconds at a time. It goes away for so long that the Perfmeter tool pops up a window saying that it can't contact localhost.

I have done some simple testing to verify that the issue is not specific to the X11 server since this little test loop shows the (up to) 8 second delays in execution:

while true
  sleep 1
done > times.txt

Does current OpenSolaris do better in this area?

Bob Friesenhahn,
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,
zfs-discuss mailing list

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