
On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 11:28:50AM -0700, Matt Ingenthron wrote:
> > If ZFS is not beinng used significantly, then ARC
> > should not grow. ARC grows
> > based on the usage (ie. amount of ZFS files/data
> > accessed). Hence, if you are
> > sure that the ZFS usage is low, things should be
> > fine.
> I understand that it won't grow, but I want it to be smaller than the 
> default.  Like I said, I have a use case where I would like to pre-allocate 
> as many large pages as possible.  How can I constrain or shrink it before I 
> start my other applications?

I can't think if anything else other than what Steffen recommended.

Have you already tried the configuration and found problems with it ?
Because, looking at the ARC code I see that under memory pressure it should free
up buffers making space for other consumers. So, I am curious to know if this
has not worked in your case.

Thanks and regards,

Sanjeev Bagewadi
Solaris RPE 
Bangalore, India
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