Thanks for the info so far.  Yes, I understand that you can add more vdevs, but 
at what cost?  With the 2TB drives costing $300 each, I wanted to get more or 
less the bare minimum and then add more drives once I filled the capacity.  I 
understand that raidz1 is similar to RAID5 (it can recover from a single drive 
failure) and raidz2 is similar to RAID6 (recovery from up to two drive 
failures).  Since I have four drives now, I would leave that with single parity 
and probably the next time I added a drive, I would migrate over to double 

In your scenario, once I fill up my storage capacity, I would need to add 
another three drives; therefore dedicating two drives for parity (one for the 
four disk set and one for the three disk set), which would be similar to my 
plan of moving to double parity.  However, what about after that?  Three drives 
dedicated to single parity for three different sets?  Certainly, I would get to 
a point where I wouldn't want 16 drives constantly spinning and I would hope by 
then either solid state disks have moved up in storage size and down in terms 
of price so I could start cutting over to those.

Is there a way to expand the zpool to take advantage of the increased size of 
the hardware once I add a disk on the 3ware controller?  I looked zfsadmin 
document and see an autoexpand property, but that feature doesn't appear to be 
support by OpenSolaris.
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