On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 05:42:31AM -0700, Robert Milkowski wrote:

I like the new feature but I was thinking that maybe the keywords being used 
should be different?

Currently it is:

# zfs set logbias=latency {dataset}
# zfs set logbias=throughput {dataset}

Maybe it would be more clear this way:

# zfs set logdest=dedicated {dataset}
# zfs set logdest=pool {dataset}

or even intentlog={dedicated|pool} ?

IMHO it would better describe what the feature actually does.

I am not sure if 'logbias' is better then 'logdest' but IMHO
'latency' and 'throughput' is much more intuitive :-)

That would make sense though, eg:


Which is why it is logbias, it isn't the destination of the log that is latency or throughput but the bias.

Darren J Moffat
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