Darren J Moffat wrote:
Garrett D'Amore wrote:
Darren J Moffat wrote:

Dataset rename restrictions

On rename a dataset can non be moved out of its wrapping key hierarchy
ie where it inherits the keysource property from. This is best explained by example:

# zfs get -r keysource tank NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE
tank        keysource  none               default
tank/A      keysource  passphrase,prompt  local
tank/A/b    keysource  passphrase,prompt  inherited from tank/A
tank/A/b/c  keysource  passphrase,prompt  inherited from tank/A
tank/D      keysource  none               default
tank/D/e    keysource  passphrase,prompt  local

Simple rename of leaf dataset in place:
# zfs rename tank/D/e tank/D/E                OK

Rename within keysource inheritance remains the same:

# zfs rename tank/A/b/c tank/A/c            OK

Rename out of keysource inheritance path:

# zfs rename tank/A/b/c tank/D/e/c            FAIL

I'd like to see draft text for a man page describing this behavior. I suspect that this is likely to be potentially confusing.

The above is the draft man page text. What more would you like to see ? Is it that you don't understand the behaviour or you want to do an editoral review of the man page text ? If the later then I'd assert that isn't ARC review.

Neither. I want to make sure we present this behavior in an unconfusing to our users. If the above is intended to be in the man page, then I'm satisfied.

As an alternative to failure, could one imagine having a "-f" (force) switch that allows the rename, and creates a new keysource root?

We can't do that because you need to specify what the keysource is. So a force switch would be more like:
    # zfs rename -o keysource=... tank/A/b/c tank/D/e/c

However 'zfs rename' doesn't have a -o capability today and it is out of the scope of the crypto project to add that support to rename. It is possible to add in the future but it has a non trivial impact beyond crypto support so I'm not willing to take that on just now - particularly since it requires changes to libzfs APIs that are in use by Fishworks.

I've logged an RFE for the general case: 6872829

Okay, I'm satisfied with your answer to this.

[ other bits I'm satisfied with elided. ]

Dnode Bonusbuf Encryption
Instead of encrypting the bonusbuf section of the dnodes the ZFS Crypto feature will now depend on the ZFS fast system attributes project and will cause the bonusbuf to always completely spill. Note there are no user visible interface change from this and the ZFS fast system attribtues project isn't
expected to be reviewed in ARC as it is an implementation detail only.
Management of the dependency is thus not an ARC issue but an internal team
coordination issue.

Implementation details that affect on disk storage, or have other larger ramifications elsewhere on the system, should probably still be ARC'd.

This is not an ARC issue in any many other ZFS cases and I'm not making it one in this case either, because it isn't this project that is introducing fast system attributes. Not all ZFS changes that impact on disk actually come to ARC anyway.

Is the fast system attributes project planning on changing the on-disk format?

Yes but in a compatible way using the version system, there is nothing directly visible to admins.

To enable encryption you have to upgrade your pool version number anyway - this is standard ZFS behaviour when adding new features that have an on disk impact. That was already the case with the previous ZFS Crypto ARC case. Encryption support will be a pool version after the fast system attributes project and encryption depends on it. However I don't expect to see an ARC case presented to PSARC for the fast system attributes project since there is nothing visible to the admin other than the pool version bump. The main reason for integration fast system attributes separately from crypto is because there is another non ON (and not in Sun ARC control) consumer for them (and no it isn't Fishworks).

Hmm.... that's too bad. I think it would still be preferable for changes of this nature to get at least some minimal review at ARC. Although as we don't have any ZFS representation at ARC, maybe review of such changes wouldn't add anything useful.

The rest of the changes proposed look good as is to me, but I'd also like an explicit statement from the ZFS (and perhaps a;lso Fishworks) core team that they have reviewed and approved this proposal.

The core senior members of the ZFS team contributed to this design and have provided input during an extensive review period.

A representative of Fishworks was also present during the design of these changes (back in Feburary) and indicated they were happy with the changes.

(My concern here is that I think it is likely that nobody else on ARC has sufficient filesystem -- or perhaps just ZFS -- expertise to perform a meaningful review on our own. This is a situation which I would *like* to see rectified by having storage represented at ARC, but I've as yet been unable to generate sufficient interest from the storage folks.)

Which is why this has had very extensive review from senior members of the core ZFS team.

Okay, I was pretty sure this was the case, just wanted to make sure it was explicitly stated as true. :-)

With your replies, +1 to the case.  Thanks for your patience.

   - Garrett

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