On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:02:51PM +1000, LEES, Cooper wrote:
> Hi Duncan,
> I also do the same with my Mac for timemachine and get the same WOEFUL
> performance to my x4500 filer.
> I have mounted ISCSI zvols on a linux machine and it performs as expected
> (50 mbytes a second) as apposed to my Mac that goes @ 1mbyte a second. I =
> believe the client for Mac is crap. Would be nice if apple wrote a client
> for ISCSI.
> But if anyone has a fix for Mac OS X that would be great to know !

I'm getting >30MB/s to/from my 4x1TB drive array, however I see some
v.slow speeds at the beginning. I believe there were a few things that
# updating to the latest dev release uname -a reports.
      - SunOS dendrite 5.11 snv_118  i86pc i386 i86pc
# Enableing the write-back cache. I beleive there's some talk of linux=20
  clients doing the wrong thing, but that may be NFS,
      - iscsitadm modify admin --fast-write-ack enable
# using the new COMSTAR stack, rather than the old. I think something,
  somewhere was getting confused, there seem to be two versions of
  instructions around. Having migrated an old set of pools onto this=20
  system probably didn't help matters.
      - svcs -a | grep -i iscsi
      disabled       Aug_16   svc:/network/iscsi_initiator:default
      disabled       Aug_16   svc:/system/iscsitgt:default
      online         Aug_16   svc:/network/iscsi/initiator:default
      online         Aug_16   svc:/network/iscsi/target:default

Hope that helps someone, thanks go to the people in #opensolaris on
freenode who helped me get this sorted.


Colin Morey

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