Hi. I've been doing some simple read/write tests using filebench on a mirrored pool. Essentially, I've been scaling up the number of disks in the pool before each test between 4, 8 and 12. I've noticed that for individual disks, ZFS write performance scales very well between 4, 8 and 12 disks. This may be due to the fact that I'm using a SSD as a logging device. But I'm seeing individual disk performance drop by as much as 14MB per disk between 4 and 12 disks. Across the entire pool that means I've lost 168MB of raw throughput just by adding two mirror sets. I'm curious to know if there are any dials I can turn to improve this. System details are below:

HW: Dual Quad Core 2.33 Xeon 8GB RAM
Disks: Seagate Savio 10K 146GB and LSI 1068e HBA latest firmware
OS: SCXE snv_121

Thank in advance..


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