Let me explain what i have and you decide if it's what you're looking for.
I run a home NAS based on ZFS (due to hardware issues i am using FreeBSD 7.2
as my os but all the data is on ZFS)
This system has multiple uses.  I have about 10 users and 4 HTPC's connected
via gigabit.  I have ZFS filesystems for Video, Audio and Data.

I have no problem using it for my main itune library or storing downloaded
and recorded video.  Each user also has thier own share to store data and

The system itself is made up of 3 raidz vdevs rights now, each with 4 1tb
hard drives so i have about 9 TB total space right now. Having a setup like
this sort of changes how you do things.  I have several computers, but all
the stuff i care about it on the NAS.  I am very happy with ZFS for this
purpose.  I originally used a linux backend with mdadm and xfs but i am very
much in love with my new system.  I love the ability to clone and snapshot
and i use it often.  It's already saved me from human error on 2 occasions.
It's also very fast.  I'm using cheap parts and have seen speeds over 250
MB/s, although i get around 30 MB/s per client average with samba.  for
streaming music and video it has never shuddered or skipped.  I have mostly
720p video but a large amount of 1080p as well.  It's not uncommon to have 3
htpc's streaming at the same time and 2 people using the network for other
stuff.....i'm very happy with it.

I'm SURE you can find a method to backup/restore your data with ZFS.  Just
think of it more as a backend solution.  You'll still probably use whatever
method you're used to for transfering data, although i use a combination of
samba/nfs and even FTP.  If you're used to tar, no need to stop using it.
You might also look at rysnc.
You could set up a ZFS filesystem on the NAS and set up rsync on your
client, then set up automatic snapshots on the ZFS machine.  This way you'd
have multiple methods of restoring (you could just dump back the latest
rsync or you could clone one of the older snapshots and dump THAT back)

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Cork Smith <corkb...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Let me try rephrasing this. I would like the ability to restore so my
> system mirrors its state at the time when I backed it up given the old hard
> drive is now a door stop.
> Cork
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