Actually there is great chance that you are hitting this bug  :

"6792701 Removing large holey file does not free space"

To check run :

# zdb -dddd <name of your pool>/<name of your fs>

if you find object(s) without pathname you are in ...

it should look like this :

Object  lvl   iblk   dblk  lsize  asize  type
        6    5    16K   128K   300G  70.0G  ZFS plain file
                                264  bonus  ZFS znode
       path    ???<object#6> <============================ this
       uid     0
       gid     0
       atime   Thu Mar 26 18:08:51 2009
       mtime   Thu Mar 26 18:12:42 2009
       ctime   Thu Mar 26 18:12:42 2009
       crtime  Thu Mar 26 18:08:51 2009
       gen     6075
       mode    100600
       size    322122547200
       parent  3
       links   0
       xattr   0
       rdev    0x0000000000000000

F. wrote:
On Thu, September 10, 2009 04:27, Gino wrote:

# cd /dr/netapp11bkpVOL34
# rm -r *
# ls -la

Now there are no files in /dr/netapp11bkpVOL34, but

# zfs list|egrep netapp11bkpVOL34
dr/netapp11bkpVOL34                       1.34T       158G    1.34T

Space has not been freed up!
The other common cause for this is if an application has an open file
descriptor open. If you have 'lsof' on the machine, can you try running it
and seeing if any progress are still accessing the file system.

or use the built-in tool:

        find /proc -type f -links 0

(Will list all files which have been unlinked but which are still being used by applications)


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