Hi all,
My opensolaris install is failing to boot, getting stuck just after the 
hostname is displayed during the boot process.  If I reinstall the OS it boots 
fine, but as soon as I import my raid-z array, boots fail as stated.

Immediately after I perform the zpool import (before the next reboot) the array 
is mounted successfully and I can access its contents.  However, after the 
following, inevitable reboot I can no longer boot the OS

This started happening after I updated from 118 to 121, I have not upgraded the 
pool to the version in 121, it is still at 118.

Any troubleshooting ideas or recommendations anyone?

Some background info:
My installation is extremely simple, I have an 160GB OS disk and a 10 disk 
RAID-Z array (consisting of 2 vdevs, each 5x1TB).

The server was installed with osol0906 a couple of months back and is only used 
for CIFS and Comstar iSCSI target, no other software has been installed.

Initially I upgraded directly from clean osol0906 to 118 and upgraded the pool 
version at that time.


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