
What's in the NFS server log? (svcs -x)

BTW: Why are the NFS services disabled? If it has a problem I would have expected it to be in state maintenance.

The instance is disabled. Enabling the service results in a transition to the offline state and eventually to the online state with all dependencies satisfied.


The instance is enabled, but not able to run. Administrative action (through svcadm clear) is required to move the instance out of the maintenance state. The maintenance state might be a temporarily reached state if an administrative operation is underway.


Tom de Waal wrote:

I'm trying to identify why my nfs server does not work. I'm using a more 
or less core install of OSOL 2009.06 (release) and installed and 
configured a nfs server.

The issue: nfs server won't start - it can't find any filesystems in 
/etc/dfs/sharetab. the zfs file systems do have sharenfs=on property 
(infact the pool the used to be on a working NV build 100).

Some investigations that I did:
zfs create -o sharenfs=os tank1/home/nfs # just an example fs
cannot share 'tank1/home/nfs': share(1M) failed
filesystem successfully create, but not shared

sharemgr list -v
default enabled nfs
zfs     enabled nfs smb

svcs -a | grep nfs
disabled       19:52:51 svc:/network/nfs/client:default
disabled       21:05:36 svc:/network/nfs/server:default
online         19:53:23 svc:/network/nfs/status:default
online         19:53:25 svc:/network/nfs/nlockmgr:default
online         19:53:25 svc:/network/nfs/mapid:default
online         19:53:30 svc:/network/nfs/rquota:default
online         21:05:24 svc:/network/nfs/cbd:default

cat /etc/dfs/sharetab is empty

sharemgr start -v -P nfs zfs
Starting group "zfs"

# no response

share -F nfs /tank1/home/nfs zfs
Could not share: /tank1/home/nfs: system error

pkg list | grep nfs
SUNWnfsc           0.5.11-0.111    installed  ----
SUNWnfsckr         0.5.11-0.111    installed  ----
SUNWnfss           0.5.11-0.111    installed  ----

Note: I also enabled the smb server (CIFS), which works fine (and fills 

Any suggestion how to resolve this? Am I missing an  ips package or a file?


Tom de Waal
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