Roch wrote:
Bob Friesenhahn writes:
 > On Wed, 23 Sep 2009, Ray Clark wrote:
> > > My understanding is that if I "zfs set checksum=<different>" to > > change the algorithm that this will change the checksum algorithm > > for all FUTURE data blocks written, but does not in any way change > > the checksum for previously written data blocks. > > This is correct. The same applies to blocksize and compression. >
With an important distinction. For compression,checksum a
block rewrite will affect the next update to any fileblock.

For the dataset recordsize property, a block rewrite on an
existing multiblock file will not change the file's block
size. For Multi-record file's, the recordsize is immutable
and dissociated from the dataset recordsize setting.

> > I need to corroborate this understanding. Could someone please > > point me to a document that states this? I have searched and > > searched and cannot find this. >
Me neither, although it's easy to verify that setting the
checksum property on a dataset does not induce the I/O that
would be required for a rewrite of the bp.

It is mentioned in zfs(1) for the copies property but not for checksum and compression:

         Changing this property only affects newly-written  data.
         Therefore,  set  this  property  at file system creation
         time by using the -o copies=N option.

I've filed a man page bug 6885203 to have similar text added for
checksum and compression.

Darren J Moffat
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