As Cindy said, this isn't trivial right now.

Personally, I'd do it this way:


* both v210 machines are reasonably identical (may differ in RAM or CPU speed, but nothing much else).
*  Call the original machine A and the new machine B
*  machine B has no current drives in it.


1) In A, Install the boot block on c1t1 as Cindy detailed below (installboot ..... )
2) shutdown A
3) remove c1t0 from A (that is, the original boot drive)
4) boot A from c1t1 (you will likely have to do this at the boot prom, via something like 'boot disk2' ) 5) once A is back up, make the changes you need to make A look like what B should be. Note that ZFS will mark c1t0 as Failed. 6) shutdown A, remove c1t1, and move it to B, putting it in the c1t1 disk slot (i.e. the 2nd slot)
7) boot B, in the same manner you did A a minute ago (boot disk2)
8) when B is up, insert a new drive into the c1t0 slot, and do a 'zpool replace rpool c1t0d0 c1t0d0'
9) after the resilver completes, do an 'installboot' on c1t0
10) reboot B, and everything should be set.
11) on A, re-insert the original c1t0 into it's standard place (i.e. it should remain c1t0)
12) boot A
13) insert a fresh drive into the c1t1 slot
14) zpool replace rpool c1t1d0 c1t1d0
15) installboot   after resilver

Note that I've not specifically tried the above, but I can't see any reason why it shouldn't work.


Cindy Swearingen wrote:
Hi Karl,

Manually cloning the root pool is difficult. We have a root pool recovery procedure that you might be able to apply as long as the
systems are identical. I would not attempt this with LiveUpgrade
and manually tweaking.

The problem is that the amount system-specific info stored in the root
pool and any kind of device differences might be insurmountable.

Solaris 10 ZFS/flash archive support is available with patches but not
for the Nevada release.

The ZFS team is working on a split-mirrored-pool feature and that might
be an option for future root pool cloning.

If you're still interested in a manual process, see the steps below attempted by another community member who moved his root pool to a
larger disk on the same system.

This is probably more than you wanted to know...


# zpool create -f altrpool c1t1d0s0
# zpool set listsnapshots=on rpool
# SNAPNAME=`date +%Y%m%d`
# zfs snapshot -r rpool/r...@$snapname
# zfs list -t snapshot
# zfs send -R rp...@$snapname | zfs recv -vFd altrpool
# installboot -F zfs /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/zfs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0
for x86 do
# installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0
Set the bootfs property on the root pool BE.
# zpool set bootfs=altrpool/ROOT/zfsBE altrpool
# zpool export altrpool
# init 5
remove source disk (c1t0d0s0) and move target disk (c1t1d0s0) to slot0
-insert solaris10 dvd
ok boot cdrom -s
# zpool import altrpool rpool
# init 0
ok boot disk1

On 09/24/09 10:06, Karl Rossing wrote:
I would like to clone the configuration on a v210 with snv_115.

The current pool looks like this:

-bash-3.2$ /usr/sbin/zpool status    pool: rpool
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

        NAME          STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        rpool         ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror      ONLINE       0     0     0
            c1t0d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            c1t1d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

After I run zpool detach rpool c1t1d0s0, how can I remount c1t1d0s0 to /tmp/a so that I can make the changes I need prior to removing the drive and putting it into the new v210.

I supose I could lucreate -n new_v210, lumount new_v210, edit what I need to, luumount new_v210, luactivate new_v210, zpool detach rpool c1t1d0s0 and then luactivate the original boot environment.
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