On Wed, 30 Sep 2009, Richard Elling wrote:
a big impact. With 2+ TB drives, the resilver time is becoming dominant.
As disks becoming larger and not faster, there will be a day when the
logistical response time will become insignificant. In other words, you
won't need a spare to improve logistical response, but you can consider
using spares to extend logistical response time to months. To take this
argument to its limit, it is possible that in our lifetime RAID boxes will
be disposable... the razor industry will be proud of us ;-)

Unless there is a dramatic increase in disk bandwidth, there is a point where disk storage size becomes unmanageable. This is the point where we should transition from 3-1/2" disk to 2-1/2" disks with smaller storage sizes. I see that 2-1/2" disks are already up to 500GB.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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