
I'm not sure I'm following you exactly but this is what I think you are
trying to do:

You have a RAIDZ pool that is built with slices and you are trying to
convert the slice configuration to whole disks. This isn't possible
because you are trying replace the same disk. This is what happens:

# zpool create test raidz c0t4d0s0 c0t5d0s0 c0t6d0s0
# zpool replace test c0t6d0s0 c0t6d0
invalid vdev specification
use '-f' to override the following errors:
/dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 is part of active ZFS pool test. Please see zpool(1M).

You could replace the disk slice with a different disk like this:

# zpool replace test c0t6d0s0 c0t7d0

If you don't have any additional disks then I think you will have to
backup the data and recreate the pool. Maybe someone else has a better

Also, you refer to rpool, which is the default name of the ZFS root
pool in the Opensolaris release. This pool cannot be RAIDZ pool nor
can it contain whole disks. It must be created with disk slices.


On 10/08/09 02:15, dirk schelfhout wrote:
I am converting a 4 disk raidz from osx to opensolaris. And I want to keep the 
data intact.
I want zfs to get access to the full disk instead of a slice.
I believe like c8d0 instead off c8d0s1.
I wanted to do this 1 disk at a time and let it resilver.
what is the proper way to do this.
I tried, I believe from memory : zpool replace -f rpool c8d1s1 c8d1
but it didn't let me do that.
then I tried to put the disk offline first , but same result.


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