As just a home tinkerer with small needs... I've already run into
situations where I've created a zfs fs for some purpose... and mnths
later forgotten what it was for or supposed to do or hold.

I may recognize the files and directories... but have forgotten why
its in this particular fs as opposed to not just being added

I've ended up with a dozen or so zfs fs now and I supposed it will
happen again at some point.

I wondered how administrators who really `have'  to keep up with such
kind of meta info  about a created zfs fs, handle that chore?

I struck on the idea of adding a local User Property to the list of
settable options that one sees with `zfs get all tank/fs'
Something like:

    zfs set hp:usage=$DATESTR: word etc word,word etc word

And putting info there that lets me know what this zfs fs is doing
here. A brief listing of what it is to hold or something similar.
separated by commas if need be.

What do real live administators who administer important data do about
meta info like that?

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