Dear all,

I was interested in the performance difference between filesystem operations 
inside a local and global zone. Therefore I utilized filebench and made several 
performance tests with the OLTP script for filebench. Here are some of my 

-> In the global zone (filebench operates on basis of UFS): [b]281,850.2 
-> In the local zone (filebench operates on basis of UFS): [b]181,716 
So a huge difference bewteen the local and global zone when operating on basis 
of UFS.

After I saw the huge difference I wondered if I will see such a huge difference 
when using ZFS. Here are the results:
-> In the global zone (filebench operates on basis of ZFS): [b]1,710,268.1 
-> In the local zone (filebench operates on basis of ZFS): [b]449,332.6 
I was a little bit surprised to see a big difference again. Besides: ZFS 
outperforms UFS - but this is already known.

So in a first analysis I suspected the loop-back-device driver to cause the 
performance degredation. I repeated the tests without the loop-back-driver by 
mounting UFS device directly inside the zone. I couldn't discover the 
performance degredation again.

This leads me to the assumption, that the loop-back-driver causes the 
performance degredation - but how can I make sure it is the loop-back-driver 
and not anything else? Does anyone has an idea how to explore this phenomen?

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