says that the number of disks in a RAIDZ should be (N+P) with
N = {2,4,8} and P = {1,2}.

But if you go down the page just a little further to the thumper
configuration examples, none of the 3 examples follow this recommendation!

I will have 10 disks to put into a RAIDZ.  I would like as little "waste"
as possible, so that means just 1 hot spare, and a 3,3,3 config for the
remaining 9 is not appealing.  Should I do a single 9 disk RAIDZ, per
the guideline, or should I do 4,5.

This is for engineering data.  My workload isn't established yet but from
talking to the guys the "working set" would fit in a TB and just be local
to engineer workstations, while the file server will just store
infrequently used data. As such, I'm inclined to do a single 9 disk
RAIDZ and maximize the available disk space, which at the same time
follows the configuration guideline.

I'm pretty sure I already know the correct answer as I remember when
this guideline was created and why.

Besides just thinking out loud, I do want to emphasize the inconsistency
on the wiki and suggest that it be updated or a comment added.

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