( sry for cross post , I posted this in opensolaris discuss. but I think it 
belongs here )

I can no longer mount 1 of my 2 volumes.
they are both on zfs. I can still mount my home, which is on rpool.
but can not mount my data which is on a raidz pool.
setting are the same.
this is from AppleVolumes.default
~ cnidscheme:cdb options:usedots,invisibledots,upriv perm:0770
/safe "ZFSshare" allow:@staff,myUser cnidscheme:cdb 
options:usedots,invisibledots,upriv perm:0770

I tried recompiling and re installing. I enabled logging and don't like this 
entry in the log : 
Oct 22 20:41:24 afpd[26902][cnid.c:86]: I:CNID: Setting uid/gid to 0/80

It happened after I upgraded the raidz to the latest version. ( zpool upgrade )

update :

I added a share inside this top level. /safe/data
I can access this without problems.
still don't like these lines :
Oct 22 21:56:38 afpd[27305][auth.c:230]: I:AFPDaemon: login myUser (uid 101, 
gid 10) AFP3.1
Oct 22 21:56:40 afpd[27305][cnid.c:86]: I:CNID: Setting uid/gid to 0/0

update :

I can read with that solution but not write.
Its also easy to lock up snow leopard now :-)
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