
I've got an OpenSolaris 2009.06 box that will reliably panic whenever
I try to import one of my pools. What's the best practice for
recovering (before I resort to nuking the pool and restoring from

There are two pools on the system: rpool and tank. The rpool seems to
be fine, since I can boot from a 2009.06 CD and 'zpool import -f
rpool'; I can also 'zfs scrub rpool', and it doesn't find any errors.
Hooray! Except I don't care about rpool. :-(

If I boot from hard disk, the system begins importing zfs pools; once
it's imported everything I usually have enough time to log in before
it panics. If I boot from CD and 'zfs import -f tank', it panics.

I've just started a 'zdb -e tank' which I found on the intertubes
here: http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=49020. Zdb
seems to be ... doing something. Not sure _what_ it's doing, but it
can't be making things worse for me right?

I'm going to try adding the following to /etc/system, as mentioned
here: http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=114906
set zfs:zfs_recover=1
set aok=1

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