On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Ramin Moazeni <ramin.moaz...@sun.com> wrote:
> Hello
> A customer recently had a power outage.  Prior to the outage, they did a
> graceful shutdown of their system.
> On power-up, the system is not coming up due to zfs errors as follows:
> cannot mount 'rpool/export': Number of symbolic links encountered during
> path name traversal exceeds MAXSYMLINKS
> mount '/export/home': failed to create mountpoint.
> The possible cause of this might be that a symlink is created pointing to
> itself since the customer stated
> that they created lots of symlink to get their env ready. However, since
> /export is not getting mounted, they
> can not go back and delete/fix the symlinks.
> Can someone suggest a way to fix this issue?
> Thanks
> Ramin Moazeni
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I see these very frequently on my systems, regardless of a clean
shutdown or not, 1/3 of the time filesystems cannot mount.

What I do, is boot into single user mode, make sure the filesystem in
question is NOT mounted, and just delete the directory that its trying
to mount into.

Brent Jones
zfs-discuss mailing list

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