This feature is described in this RFE:
Secure delete option: erase blocks after they're freed


On 11/11/09 09:17, Darren J Moffat wrote:
Brian Kolaci wrote:

I was discussing the common practice of disk eradication used by many firms for security. I was thinking this may be a useful feature of ZFS to have an option to eradicate data as its removed, meaning after the last reference/snapshot is done and a block is freed, then write the eradication patterns back to the removed blocks.

By any chance, has this been discussed or considered before?

Yes it has been discussed here before.

It is one of the things I want to look at after ZFS Crypto and block pointer rewritter have integrated.

Also in some juristictions if the data was always encrypted on disk then you don't need to write any patterns to erase the blocks. So ZFS Crypto can help there.

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