Thanks a lot. This clears many of the doubts I had.

I was actually trying to improve the performance of our email storage. We are 
using dovecot as the LDA on a set of RHEL boxes and the email volume seems to 
be saturating the write throughput of our infortrend iSCSI SAN.

So it looks like a mail storage server type workload will not benifit with a 
ZIL as proven by zilstat and a postmark workload.

Iam guessing Sun 7310/7410 will behave the same way with this type of workload. 
Do the logzillas/readzillas do anything special on these boxes ?


------Original Message------
From: Richard Elling
To: Dushyanth
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS ZIL/log on SSD weirdness
Sent: Nov 18, 2009 21:55

On Nov 18, 2009, at 2:20 AM, Dushyanth wrote:

> Just to clarify : Does iSCSI traffic from a Solaris iSCSI initiator  
> to a third party target go through ZIL ?

ZFS doesn't know what  a block device is.  So if you configure your pool
to use iSCSI devices, then it will use them.

To measure ZIL activity, use zilstat.
  -- richard

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