Thank you Al! That's exactly the kind of information
I needed. I very much appreciate the help. 

> It would be helpful to give us a broad description of
> what type of
> data you're planning on storing.  Small files, large
> files, required
> capactity etc.  and we can probably make some
> specific
> recommendations.
I'm storing small files, large-ish files, few GB max. 
Capacity is dollar driven. I can probably continuously 
afford about a half dozen to a dozen hard drives at 
the average price of $100 a drive; that capacity will
work fine for my needs. I'm doing general backup 
and data-save for my house network, about half a 
dozen machines on the house net, each with 1 or 2
hard drives partially used. No editing movies or 
animation, not storing my 1000 ripped DVDs.

> Personally I get great satisfaction from rolling my
> own.
I do too, to the point that my long suffering Significant
Other will avoid mentioning *anything* which I might
want to do myself for fear that it will go on the bottom
of the to-do list. 8-) It's a good thing I don't know how
to refine iron ore. Oh, wait... I do! 8-)

> Agreed - the HCL has not proved to be as useful, in
> practice, as most
> users would like.  It's a difficult task - but the
> typical OpenSolaris
> builder is unwilling to put the effort in to
> contribute to the HCL.
I'm calmer now... 8-) and I do understand that volunteer 
efforts either get done by zealots or tend to starve. Not
sure which of those is better, but it's probably accurate. 

> Overall I think you've done your homework very well.
>  I'm sure others
> will contribute alternatives.  In this post I've
> focused on the topic
> of the choices you've made, rather than discuss
> alternatives.
Which I appreciate very much. Given that, I may be
able to proceed. I don't care that I have the optimum
solution, just a workable one that's affordable and 
current. There are some disciplines where I can 
tell if some system will work by just a casual inspection.
Unfortunately, opensolaris isn't one of them. 

> Please keep the list posted on your progress and
> final config and what
> you learn through building and using it.
I'll do that. Again, thanks for the on-target info.
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