On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 09:15 -0800, Mike wrote:
> I had a system that I was testing zfs on using EMC Luns to create a striped 
> zpool without using the multi-pathing software PowerPath.  Of coarse a 
> storage emergency came up so I lent this storage out for temp storage and 
> we're still using.  I'd like to add PowerPath to take advanage of the 
> multi-pathing in case I lose and SFP (or entire switch for that matter) but 
> I'm not exactly sure what I can do.
> So my zpool currently looks like:
> I would image (because I haven't tried it yet) that it would require using 
> zfs export/import in order to make this happen.  Has anyone tried this?  Am I 
> fubar?  Thanks for the help!  Great forum btw...

When I've done this in the past its been a pool export, reconfigure
storage, pool import procedure.

In my dark PowerPath days I recall PowerPath couldn't handle the using
the emcpower# disk name.  You had to format the emcpower device and
create you're zpool on the "emcpower1a" slice.  This may have changed in
the newer versions of PowerPath (the last version I ran was 5.0.0_b141).

I've since switched to using Sun MPxIO for multipathing.  Its worked
fine so far its certain to support you're ZFS config.  Just export
you're pool, run the "stmsboot -e" commmand, reboot, and re-import
you're pool.


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