R.G. Keen wrote:
> I didn't see "remove a simple device" anywhere in there.
> Is it:
> too hard to even contemplate doing, 
> or
> too silly a thing to do to even consider letting that happen
> or 
> too stupid a question to even consider
> or
> too easy and straightforward to do the procedure I see recommended (export 
> the whole pool, destroy the pool, remove the device, remake the pool, then 
> reimport the pool) to even bother with?
It is too complicated to implement directly.

As with lvm2 and comparable technologies, one would have to first have a
feature that moves all extents from one physical volume to the other
available phys.-vols. Then, when allocating the replacement blocks, the
algorithm could quickly become _very_ unwieldy, because the pool will
still have to keep it's redundancy guarantees [1].

As you can imagine this can be very complex with ZFS mixture of raid,
parity, _dynamic_ striping (simply realllocating the blocks could cause
massively fragmented disks if the pool/vdev previoiusly used dynamic
striping). Using 'copies=n' and extra parity (raidz2,raidz3) further
complicates the matter. In all circumstances about the only algorithm to
specify for the transformation _with_ the guarantee that all invariants
are (logically[2]) checked is to use the wellknown send/recv kludge. In
that case you'll simply need double the storage and a lot of processing
resources to make the transform.

There are a number of situations in which the logic can safely be
simplified (using only dynamic striping and using only full disks and
when there is a 'third' (recent disk) not involved in any of the
existing stripes to receive the relocated stripes.... etc. In effect, I
doubt that these situations are ever going to  cover more than what
'detach' and 'replace' offer at this moment in time.

So, in a word, yes this is (very) complicated.  The complicating thing
is that ZFS does dynamic striping and RAID redundancy properties
_automagically_. This dynamicity make it very hard to define what needs
to happen when a disk is removed (likewise for replacing with a smaller
disk). 'Static' RAID tools have the advantage here, because they can
guarantee how stripes are layout across a 'pool', and also because the
admin can limit the options used for a pool precisely to enable 'special
operations' like 'remove physdev'. However, even if so, removal off a
disk (as opposed to replacement) is a very uncommon use case for any
RAID solution that I know of.

[1] of course, you could replace that complexity by a burden on the
user: let removal of a drive have the same effect as physically failing
that device, degrading the pool. Then you would have to either replace
the vdev or re-add a vdev to restore the redundancy.

[2] by which I mean, barring bugs in, say, send/recv
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