On snv_129, a zfs upgrade (*not* a zpool upgrade) from version 3 to version 4 
caused the
desktop to freeze - no response to keyboard or mouse events and clock not 

ermine% uname -a
SunOS ermine 5.11 snv_129 i86pc i386 i86pc

ermine% zpool upgrade
This system is currently running ZFS pool version 22.

The following pools are out of date, and can be upgraded.  After being
upgraded, these pools will no longer be accessible by older software versions.

---  ------------
18   rpool

ermine% zfs upgrade
This system is currently running ZFS filesystem version 4.

The following filesystems are out of date, and can be upgraded.  After being
upgraded, these filesystems (and any 'zfs send' streams generated from
subsequent snapshots) will no longer be accessible by older software versions.

---  ------------
 3   rpool/ROOT/snv_126
 3   rpool/ROOT/snv_127
 3   rpool/ROOT/snv_128a
 3   rpool/ROOT/snv_129
 3   rpool/export
 3   rpool/export/home

ermine% pfexec zfs upgrade rpool/ROOT/snv_126

[After 30-60 seconds, disk activity stopped and the desktop was frozen.  The 
zfs command
  never appeared to finish.  I waited about 15 minutes before power cycling.]

After reboot the file system rpool/ROOT/snv_126 was indeed upgraded to zfs 
version 4.

The same thing happened when  I upgraded file system rpool/ROOT/snv_125.

Has anyone else seen this?  I couldn't find any related bugs.
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