
After some very hairy testing, I came up with the following procedure for sending a zfs send datastream to a gzip staging file and later "receiving" it back to the same filesystem in the same pool.

The above was to enable the filesystem data to be dedup.

However, after the final ZFS received, i noticed that the same ZFS filesystem mountpoint had changed by itself and added an extra "e" subdirectory.....

Here is the procedure....

Firstly, the zfs file system in question has the following children..

o...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -t all -r myplace/Docs
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
myplace/Docs              3.37G  1.05T  3.33G  /export/home/admin/Docs <-- NOTE ORIGINAL MOUNTPOINT (see later bug below)
myplace/d...@scriptsnap2  43.0M      -  3.33G  -
myplace/d...@scriptsnap3      0      -  3.33G  - <-- latest snapshot
myplace/d...@scriptsnap1      0      -  3.33G  -

As root, i did

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs send -R myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 | gzip -9c > /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz

Then I attempted to test a zfs receive by using the "-n" option...

ad...@sunlight:/var/tmp$ gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | zfs receive -dnv myplace
cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination 'myplace/Docs' exists
must specify -F to overwrite it

Ok...let's specify -F...

ad...@sunlight:/var/tmp$ gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | zfs receive -dFnv myplace
cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination has snapshots (eg. myplace/d...@scriptsnap1)
must destroy them to overwrite it

Ok fine...let's destroy the existing snapshots for myplace/Docs...

ad...@sunlight:/var/tmp$ zfs list -t snapshot -r myplace/Docs
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
myplace/d...@scriptsnap2  43.0M      -  3.33G  -
myplace/d...@scriptsnap3      0      -  3.33G  -
myplace/d...@scriptsnap1      0      -  3.33G  -

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy myplace/d...@scriptsnap2
r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy myplace/d...@scriptsnap1
r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy myplace/d...@scriptsnap3


r...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -t all -r myplace/Docs
myplace/Docs  3.33G  1.05T  3.33G  /export/home/admin/Docs

Ok...no more snapshots, just the parent myplace/Docs and no children...

Let's try the zfs receive command yet again with a "-n"

r...@sunlight:/root# gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | zfs receive -dFnv myplace
would receive full stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap2 into myplace/d...@scriptsnap2
would receive incremental stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 into myplace/d...@scriptsnap3

Looks great! OK...let's go for the real thing...

r...@sunlight:/root# gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | zfs receive -dFv myplace
receiving full stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap2 into myplace/d...@scriptsnap2
received 3.35GB stream in 207 seconds (16.6MB/sec)
receiving incremental stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 into myplace/d...@scriptsnap3
received 47.6MB stream in 6 seconds (7.93MB/sec)

Yahoooo...looks good!


A zfs list of myplace/Docs I get..

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -r myplace/Docs
NAME                           USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
myplace/Docs                  3.37G  1.05T  3.33G  /export/home/admin/Docs/e/Docs <--- *** Here is the extra "e/Docs"..

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs set mountpoint=/export/home/admin/Docs myplace/Docs
cannot mount '/export/home/admin/Docs': directory is not empty
property may be set but unable to remount filesystem


I then went to remove the e/Docs directory under /export/home/admin/Docs.... and it is now only /export/home/admin/Docs...


r...@sunlight:/root# zfs set mountpoint=/export/home/admin/Docs myplace/Docs

And all is well again..

Where did the "e/Docs" come from?

Did I do something wrong?

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

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