Hey James,

> Personally, I think mirroring is safer (and 3 way mirroring) than raidz/z2/5. 
>  All my "boot from zfs" systems have 3 way mirrors root/usr/var disks (using 
> 9 disks) but all my data partitions are 2 way mirrors (usually 8 disks or 
> more and a spare.)

Double-parity (or triple-parity) RAID are certainly more resilient against some 
failure modes than 2-way mirroring. For example, bit errors can arise at a 
certain rate from disks. In the case of a disk failure in a mirror, it's 
possible to encounter a bit error such that data is lost.

I recently wrote an article for ACM Queue that examines recent trends in hard 
drives and makes the case for triple-parity RAID. It's at least peripherally 
relevant to this conversation:



Adam Leventhal, Fishworks                        http://blogs.sun.com/ahl

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