On Dec 29, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Eric D. Mudama wrote:

On Tue, Dec 29 at  9:50, Richard Elling wrote:
I don't believe compression matters.  But dedup can really make a big
difference.  When you enable dedup, the deduplication table (DDT) is
created to keep track of the references to blocks. When you remove a

Are there any published notes on relative DDT size compared to file
count, dedup efficiency, pool size, etc. for admins to make server
capacity planning decisions?

I think it is still too early to tell. The community will need to do more
experiments and share results :-)

Also, the DDT is not instrumented -- quite unlike the ARC, for instance.
I've been making some DTrace measurements, but am not yet ready
to share any results.
 -- richard

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