Let me sum up my thoughts in this topic.

To Richard [relling] : I agree with you this topic is even more confusing if we 
are not careful enough to specify exactly what we are talking about. Thin 
provision can be done on multiple layers, and though you said you like it to be 
closer to the app than closer to the dumb disks (if you were referring to SAN), 
my opinion is that each and every scenario has it's own pros/cons. I learned 
long time ago not to declare a technology good/bad, there are technologies 
which are used properly (usually declared as good tech) and others which are 
not (usually declared as bad).


Let me clarify my case, and why I mentioned thin devices on SAN specifically. 
Many people replied with the thin device support of ZFS (which is called sparse 
volumes if I'm correct), but what I was talking about is something else. It's 
thin device "awareness" on the SAN.

In this case you configure your LUN in the SAN as thin device, a virtual LUN(s) 
which is backed by a pool of physical disks in the SAN. From the OS it's 
transparent, so it is from the Volume Manager/Filesystem point of view.

That is the basic definition of my scenarion with thin devices on SAN. High-end 
SAN frames like HDS USP-V (feature called "Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning"), EMC 
Symmetrix V-Max (feature called "Virtual provisioning") supports this (and I'm 
sure many others as well). As you discovered the LUN in the OS, you start to 
use it, like put under Volume Manager, create filesystem, copy files, but the 
SAN only allocates physical blocks (more precisely group of blocks called 
extents) as you write them, which means you'll use only as much (or a bit more 
rounded to the next extent) on the physical disk as you use in reality.

>From this standpoint we can define two terms, thin-friendly and thin-hostile 
>environments. Thin-friendly would be any environment where OS/VM/FS doesn't 
>write to blocks it doesn't really use (for example during initialization it 
>doesn't fills up the LUN with a pattern or 0s).

That's why Veritas' SmartMove is a nice feature, as when you move from fat to 
thin devices (from the OS both LUNs look exactly the same), it will copy the 
blocks only which are used by the VxFS files. 

That is still the basics of having thin devices on SAN, and hope to have a 
thin-friendly environment. The next level of this is the management of the thin 
devices and the physical pool where thin devices allocates their extents from.

Even if you get migrated to thin device LUNs, your thin devices will become fat 
again, even if you fill up your filesystem once, the thin device on the SAN 
will remain fat, no space reclamation is happening by default. The reason is 
pretty simple, the SAN storage has no knowledge of the filesystem structure, as 
such it can't decide whether a block should be released back to the pool, or 
it's really not in use. Then came Veritas with this brilliant idea of building 
a bridge between the FS and the SAN frame (this became the Thin Reclamation 
API), so they can communicate which blocks are not in use indeed.

I really would like you to read this Quick Note from Veritas about this 
feature, it will explain way better the concept as I did : 

Btw, in this concept VxVM can even detect (via ASL) whether a LUN is thin 
device/thin device reclamation capable or not.

Honestly I have mixed feeling about ZFS. I feel that this is obviously the 
future's VM/Filesystem, but then I realize in the same time the roles of the 
individual parts in the big picture are getting mixed up. Am I the only one 
with the impression that ZFS sooner or later will evolve to a SAN OS, and the 
zfs, zpool commands will only become some lightweight interfaces to control the 
SAN frame? :-) (like Solution Enabler for EMC)

If you ask me the pool concept always works more efficient if 1# you have more 
capacity in the pool 2# if you have more systems to share the pool, that's why 
I see the thin device pool more rational in a SAN frame.

Anyway, I'm sorry if you were already aware what I explained above, I also hope 
I didn't offend anyone with my views,

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