On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 4:34 AM, Mikko Lammi <mikko.la...@lmmz.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> As a result of one badly designed application running loose for some time,
> we now seem to have over 60 million files in one directory. Good thing
> about ZFS is that it allows it without any issues. Unfortunatelly now that
> we need to get rid of them (because they eat 80% of disk space) it seems
> to be quite challenging.
> Traditional approaches like "find ./ -exec rm {} \;" seem to take forever
> - after running several days, the directory size still says the same. The
> only way how I've been able to remove something has been by giving "rm
> -rf" to problematic directory from parent level. Running this command
> shows directory size decreasing by 10,000 files/hour, but this would still
> mean close to ten months (over 250 days) to delete everything!
> I also tried to use "unlink" command to directory as a root, as a user who
> created the directory, by changing directory's owner to root and so forth,
> but all attempts gave "Not owner" error.
> Any commands like "ls -f" or "find" will run for hours (or days) without
> actually listing anything from the directory, so I'm beginning to suspect
> that maybe the directory's data structure is somewhat damaged. Is there
> some diagnostics that I can run with e.g "zdb" to investigate and
> hopefully fix for a single directory within zfs dataset?

In situations like this, ls will be exceptionally slow partially
because it will sort the output.  Find is slow because it needs to
call lstat() on every entry.  In similar situations I have found the
following to work.

perl -e 'opendir(D, "."); while ( $d = readdir(D) ) { print "$d\n" }'

Replace print with unlink if you wish...

> To make things even more difficult, this directory is located in rootfs,
> so dropping the zfs filesystem would basically mean reinstalling the
> entire system, which is something that we really wouldn't wish to go.
> OS is Solaris 10, zpool version is 10 (rather old, I know, but is there
> easy path for upgrade that might solve this problem?) and the zpool
> consists two 146 GB SAS drivers in a mirror setup.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Mikko
> --
>  Mikko Lammi | l...@lmmz.net | http://www.lmmz.net
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