A ZFS file system reports 1007GB beeing used (df -h / zfs list). When doing a 
'du -sh' on the filesystem root, I only get appr. 300GB which is the correct 

The file system became full during Christmas and I increased the quota from 1 
to 1.5 to 2TB and then decreased to 1.5TB. No reservations. Files and processes 
that filled up the file systems have been removed/stopped.

Server: Sun Fire V240 with Solaris 10 10/08 Sparc. iSCSI-connected storage.

Size on other zfs file systems on this server are correctly reported.

See output below.

Any ideas??

iscsi-roskva# ls -la /ndc
total 57
drwxr-xr-x  11 root     root          11 Jan  5 13:33 .
drwxr-xr-x  30 root     root          38 Jan  6 07:17 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     other         12 Nov 29 22:59 TT_DB
drwxr-xr-x  66 1050     11000        112 Jan  5 21:20 cssdata
drwxr-xr-x   4 206      26             4 Mar 24  2009 dbsave
drwxr-xr-x  33 11017    11000         60 Oct  8 13:18 infomap
drwxr-xr-x   8 root     other          8 Mar  6  2008 operations
drwxr-xr-x  48 11000    11000         90 Jan  5 16:11 programs
drwxr-xr-x  12 root     other         13 Aug 10 10:48 projects
drwxr-xr-x  21 11001    11000         51 Sep 15 12:00 request
drwxr-xr-x  32 11005    11000         45 Jan  5 11:02 stations

iscsi-roskva# du -sh /ndc/*
  24K   TT_DB
 6.5G   cssdata
 4.4G   dbsave
 535M   infomap
  71G   operations
  46G   programs
  79G   projects
 6.7G   request
  70G   stations

iscsi-roskva# df -h /ndc
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
storagepool/ndc        1.5T  1007G   529G    66%    /ndc

iscsi-roskva# zfs get all storagepool/ndc
NAME             PROPERTY         VALUE                  SOURCE
storagepool/ndc  type             filesystem             -
storagepool/ndc  creation         Thu Jul 30 15:14 2009  -
storagepool/ndc  used             1007G                  -
storagepool/ndc  available        529G                   -
storagepool/ndc  referenced       1007G                  -
storagepool/ndc  compressratio    1.00x                  -
storagepool/ndc  mounted          yes                    -
storagepool/ndc  quota            1.50T                  local
storagepool/ndc  reservation      none                   default
storagepool/ndc  recordsize       128K                   default
storagepool/ndc  mountpoint       /ndc                   local
storagepool/ndc  sharenfs         rw,root=hugin          local
storagepool/ndc  checksum         on                     default
storagepool/ndc  compression      off                    default
storagepool/ndc  atime            off                    inherited from 
storagepool/ndc  devices          on                     default
storagepool/ndc  exec             on                     default
storagepool/ndc  setuid           on                     default
storagepool/ndc  readonly         off                    default
storagepool/ndc  zoned            off                    default
storagepool/ndc  snapdir          hidden                 default
storagepool/ndc  aclmode          groupmask              default
storagepool/ndc  aclinherit       restricted             default
storagepool/ndc  canmount         on                     default
storagepool/ndc  shareiscsi       off                    default
storagepool/ndc  xattr            on                     default
storagepool/ndc  copies           1                      default
storagepool/ndc  version          3                      -
storagepool/ndc  utf8only         off                    -
storagepool/ndc  normalization    none                   -
storagepool/ndc  casesensitivity  sensitive              -
storagepool/ndc  vscan            off                    default
storagepool/ndc  nbmand           off                    default
storagepool/ndc  sharesmb         off                    default
storagepool/ndc  refquota         none                   default
storagepool/ndc  refreservation   none                   default
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