Actually I found some time (and reason) to test this. 

- 1 osol server 
- one SLES10 iSCSI Target
- two LUN's exported via iSCSi to the OSol server 

I did some rescilver tests to see how ZFS resilvers devices.


osol: create a pool (myiscsi) with one mirror pair made from the two iSCSI 
backend disks of SLES10


osol: both disks ok, 
osol: txn in ueberblock of pool = 86 
sles10: remove one disk (lun=1) 
osol: disk is detected failed, pool degraded
osol: write with oflag=direct; sync multiple times to the pool
osol: create fs myiscsi/test
osol: txn in ueberblock = 107 

osol: power off (hard) 
sles10: add lun 1 again (the one with txn 86)
sles10: remove lun 0 (the onw with txn 107)
osol: power on 

osol: txn in ueberblock = 92
osol: zfs myiscsi/test does not exist
osol: create fs myiscsi/mytest_old
osol: txn in ueberblock = 96

osol: power off (hard)
sles10: add lun 0 again (with txn 107)
sles10: both luns are there

osol: Resilvering happens automatically 

osol: txn in ueberblock = 112 
osol: filesystem myiscsi/test exists 

... same thing other way around to see if rescilver direction is persistent ...

osol: both disks ok, 
osol: txn in ueberblock = 120 
sles10: remove one disk (lun=0)
osol: write with oflag=sync; sync multiple times 
osol: create fs myiscsi/test
osol: txn in ueberblock = 142 

osol: power off (hard)
sles10: add lun 0 again (the one with txn 120)
sles10: remove lun 1 (the onw with txn 142)
osol: boot 

osol: txn in ueberblock = 127
osol: filesystem myiscsi/test does not exist
osol: create fs myiscsi/mytest_old
osol: txn in ueberblock = 133
osol: power off

sles10: add lun 1 again (with txn 142)
sles10: both luns are there

osol: boot 

osol: Resilvering happens automatically 

osol: txn in ueberblock = 148
osol: filesystem myiscsi/test exists 


>From this tests it seems that the latest txn always wins. 

This practially means that the jbod with most changes (in terms of 
transacitons) will always sync over the one with the least modifications. 

Could someone confirm this assumtion ? 

Could someone explain resilvering direction selection ? 


p.s. I did not test split brain, but this is next. (The planned setup is 
clustered not iSCSI but SAS, so the split brain is more academic in this case).
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