> > Is it possible to extend boot-archive in such a way
> that it include most of the files necessary for
> mounting /etc from separate pool? Have someone tried
> such configurations?
> What does the live CD do?
I'm not sure that it is the same configuration, but maybe it is quite 
similar... LiveCD has ramdisk which is mounted on boot. /etc is on this 
And in real system configuration we need some way to sync real /etc and ramdisk 
(or boot archive) /etc. With ramdisk  this may be a problem. 
1) I don't understand deeply how livecd boots (maybe need to look at this 
process more attentively)
2) In my opinion its boot process is quite specific and quite different from 
real sustem behavior. I'm not sure that this practices may be adopted...  
However, I'm not confident (1)...
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