On 01/25/10 17:56, Shannon Fiume wrote:
I installed opensolaris on a x2200 m2 with two internal drives that had an existing root pool with a Solaris 10 update 6. After installing opensolaris 2009.06 the host refused to boot. The opensolaris install was fine. I had to pull the second hard drive to get the host to boot. Then insert the second drive and relabel the old root pool to something other than rpool. Then the host was able to boot.

There are a few bugs open on a similar issue. Which bug or bugs should I update?
I looked and didn't see any bugs that matched this one very closely (granted, I didn't look very hard). But then you know what kind of error messages to search for in bugster. If you don't see a bug which is clearly the same as this, please enter a new one and include as much as you about the steps to reproduce and the error messages you saw. We'll close it as a dup if it ends up matching one we already have.


Thanks in advance,

Shannon A. Fiume
shannon (dot) fiume at sun (dot) com

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