> I'm off to straighten out my controller distribution, check to see if I have
> write caching turned off on the motherboard ports, install the b132 build,
> and possibly grab some dinner while I'm about it. I'll report back to the
> list with any progress or lack thereof.

OK, the issue seems to be resolved now-- I'm seeing write speeds in excess
of 160MB/s. What I did to fix things:
1) Redistributed drives across controllers to match my actual
configuration-- thanks to Nigel for pointing that one out
2) Set my motherboard controller to AHCI mode-- thanks to Richard and Thomas
for suggesting that. Once I made that change I no longer saw the "raidz
contains devices of different sizes" error, so it looks like Bob was right
about the source of that error
3) Upgraded to OpenSolaris 2010.03 preview b132 which appears to correct a
problem in 2009.06 where iSCSI (and apparently FC) forced all writes to be
synchronous -- thanks to Richard for that pointer.

Five hours from tearing my hair out to toasting a success-- this list is a
great resource!
Dave Pooser, ACSA
Manager of Information Services
Alford Media  http://www.alfordmedia.com

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