So I'm in the process of building a ZFS based SAN.  After toying with it at 
home I've ordered up all the parts to begin my build.  That's a completely 
different story though.

I'm wondering what the possibilities of two-way replication are for a ZFS 
storage pool.

The scenario - the ZFS SAN will be used as an NFS mount (hopefully) for Virtul 
Machine storage over Infiniband.  What I'd like to be able to do is replicate 
this to a second datacenter with the ability to fail over to the second 

I'm well aware of being able to ship snapshots over SSH, and I think I've got a 
big enough datacenter link that I could do this to the second datacenter 
without much problem.  The concern comes in as soon as I initiate a failover.

Once I fail to the second system, all changes are going to the second system, 
while the primary system is offline/unavailable.  When the primary system comes 
back online, the secondary system will not really have (to my knowledge) any 
idea what state the primary system is in.  Is there a way to then push any 
changes made locally on the second system back to the primary system without 
doing a full replication?

Most of the cutover can be handled manually, and the second system could live 
in an "offline" state where the data isn't writeable until I tell it to be.  
20-30 minutes of downtime while I power up VM's is acceptable.  My biggest 
concern is that when the primary system comes back online that I don't have to 
push 20TB+ back to the primary system, especially if it was only offline for 2 

I've looked in to the HA Cluster, but for some reason my login information 
won't allow me to look at it currently.
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