> First a little background, I'm running b130, I have a
> zpool with two Raidz1(each 4 drives, all WD RE4-GPs)
> "arrays" (vdev?).  They're in a Norco-4220 case
> ("home" server), which just consists of SAS
> backplanes (aoc-usas-l8i ->8087->backplane->SATA
> drives).  A couple of the drives are showing a number
> of hard/transport/media errors (weekly scrubs are
> fine) and I'm guessing it can explain some of the
> slower throughput I've been seeing lately (errors are
> increasing more rapidly).
> I do have a Hotspare for the zpool and I'm thinking
> of doing an advanced replacement (RMA) one at a time
> to minimize risk/downtime.  
> Here's the first question, since the current drive is
> working, when I choose to replace with the Hotspare,
> does the current drive cease to have data written to
> it?  Eg, if the hotspare fails, does a resliver need
> to occur on the current drive?
> Second question, is there a way to power-down the
> current drive while the system is running?  I mean,
> by command-line, which I would think would be more
> graceful than my current plan of pulling the drive.
> The reason I ask is I'm only semi-confident I know
> the physical layout of the (logical) drive
>  ordering.
> Last question, is there another way to see HD
> serial#s?  Iostat doesn't show the serial#s.  I'm
> willing to power down the system to pull the slots I
> think the drives are in to retrieve the serials, it
> would just be nice not to since my home network
> depends on a lot of the services (AD/DHCP/DNS) that
> run on the server. Though, if I do have to power it
> down, its not the end of the world.
> Example Iostat -En output:
> c8t6d0           Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 160
> Transport Errors: 213
> Vendor: ATA      Product: WDC WD2002FYPS-0 Revision:
> 5G04 Serial No:
> Size: 2000.40GB <2000398934016 bytes>
> Media Error: 50 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 0
> Recoverable: 0
> Illegal Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0

Someone pointed me to a thread and to try cfgadm -v to get the serial#, but it 
doesn't work for me.  Sounds like it would be for SATA only?

However, through that thread i found smartmontools  (smartctl) and I was able 
to use that to determine the serial numbers.  Fantastic!
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