i´m using opensolaris about 2 years with an mirrored rpool and an data pool 
with 3 x 2 (mirrored) drives.
the data pool drives are connected to SIL pci-express cards.

yesterday i updated from 130 to 134, everything seemed to be fine and i also 
replaced 1 pair of mirrored drives with larger disks.
still no problems, done some tests, rebooted a few times, checked logs, nothing 

today i started copying a larger amount of data. while copying, at about 40gb, 
opensolaris gave me the first kernel panic ever seen on this system. system 
rebooted and while mounting the data pool, you may guess it, panic again.

what i did so far in trying to get it up again:

boot without data drive, try to mount manualy and with -F -n (non destructive 
as manual says)
tried to mount normal with different combination of mirrors taken offline, so 
that there is only a single drive for each slice. same panic.

i still have the drives that i replaced with the newer drives but i believe 
they are useless since the structure changed?

the kernel panic i get is cpu(0) recursive mutex enter and several lines of SIL 
driver errors. 
i tried also booting with previous BE 130 before the update and where the pools 
never got an error, same panic.

ANY ideas of volume rescue are welcome - if i missed some important 
information,please tell me.
regards, mark
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