On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 7:09 PM, Bill Sommerfeld <sommerf...@sun.com> wrote:

> On 03/17/10 14:03, Ian Collins wrote:
>> I ran a scrub on a Solaris 10 update 8 system yesterday and it is 100%
>> done, but not complete:
>>   scrub: scrub in progress for 23h57m, 100.00% done, 0h0m to go
> Don't panic.  If "zpool iostat" still shows active reads from all disks in
> the pool, just step back and let it do its thing until it says the scrub is
> complete.
> There's a bug open on this:
> 6899970 scrub/resilver percent complete reporting in zpool status can be
> overly optimistic
> scrub/resilver progress reporting compares the number of blocks read so far
> to the number of blocks currently allocated in the pool.
> If blocks that have already been visited are freed and new blocks are
> allocated, the seen:allocated ratio is no longer an accurate estimate of how
> much more work is needed to complete the scrub.
> Before the scrub prefetch code went in, I would routinely see scrubs last
> 75 hours which had claimed to be "100.00% done" for over a day.

I've routinely seen that happen with resilvers on builds 126/127 on
raidz/raidz2. It reaches completion and stay in progress for as much as 50
hours at times. We just wait and let it do its work.

The bugs database doesn't show if developers have added comments about that.
Would have access to check if resilvers were mentioned ?

BTW, since this bug only exists in the bug database, does it mean it was
filled by a Sun engineer or a customer ? What's the relationship between
that and the defect database ? I'm still trying to understand the flow of
information here, since both databases seem to be used exclusively for
OpenSolaris but one is less open.

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