On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 03:36:22AM -0700, Kashif Mumtaz wrote:
> I did another test on both machine. And write performance on ZFS 
> extraordinary slow.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> In ZFS data was being write around 1037 kw/s while disk remain busy 100%.

That is, as you say, such an extraordinarily slow number that we have
to start at the very basics and eliminate fundamental problems. 

I have seen disks go bad in a way that they simply become very very
slow. You need to be sure that this isn't your problem.  Or perhaps
there's some hardware issue when the disks are used in parallel?

Check all the cables and connectors. Check logs for any errors.

Do you have the opportunity to try testing write speed with dd to the
raw disks?  If the pool is mirrored, can you detach one side at a
time? Test the detached disk with dd, and the pool with the other
disk, one at a time and then concurrently.  One slow disk will slow
down the mirror (but I don't recall seeing such an imbalance in your
iostat output either).

Do you have some spare disks to try other tests with? Try a ZFS
install on those, and see they also have the problem. Try a UFS
install on the current disks, and see if they still have the
problem.  Can you swap the disks between the T1000s and see if the
problem stays with the disks or the chassis?

You have a gremlin to hunt...


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