On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Bruno Sousa <bso...@epinfante.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Currently i'm evaluating a system with an Adaptec 52445 Raid HBA, and
> the driver supplied by Opensolaris doesn't support JBOD drives.
> I'm running snv_134 but when i try to do uninstall the SUNWacc driver i
> have the following error :
> pkgrm SUNWaac
> The following package is currently installed:
>  SUNWaac  Adaptec AdvanceRaid Controller SCSI HBA Driver
>            (i386) 11.11,REV=2010.
> Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q] y
> pkgrm: ERROR: unable to change current working directory to
> </var/sadm/pkg/SUNWac/install>
> Removal of <SUNWaac> failed (internal error).
> No changes were made to the system.
> Does anyone knows how can i replace the opensolaris aac driver by the
> Adaptec aac driver?

On OpenSolaris you shouldnt use SVR4 pkg* commands - it is uses pkg(5) (aka IPS)

Try ´pkg uninstall aac´ or use packagemanager to remove the aac driver package

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