Erik Trimble <> writes:

> Since we're talking about an old PCI slot here, I'd say there's really
> two good options:
> A SiliconImage Sil3114-based card, which is a 32-bit/66Mhz card, with
> 4 SATA-1 ports, usually for $25
> A Supermicro AOC-SAT2-MV8 card, which is a 64-bit/100Mhz PCI-X card
> (but will fit and run just fine in a 32-bit PCI slot).  it has 8
> SATA-2 
> ports, and runs $125.

[...] snipped excellent input (Thank you for adding some really useful

> There's also the Sil3124 (the SATA-2 version of the 3114), but IIRC,
> that card is less stable under OpenSolaris, and, given the limitations
> of the PCI bus, I wouldn't bother.

> Bottom line:  if you can live without true hot-swap capability
> (i.e. shutdown the machine to change a drive), then save yourself $75
> and go with 2 3114 cards.

That sounds like it would do all I need.  I currently have the 3114s'
little sister in there:

   pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x08 function 0x00: vendor 0x1095 device 0x3112
   Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3112 [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA

And had not noticed any particular sloth..  but then I've never been
on a seriously tweaked out hard core machine... so it may be really
slow for all I know.

Do you think it would be a problem having a second sata card in a PCI
slot?  That would be 8 sata ports in all, since the A-open AK86
motherboard has 2 built in.  Or should I swap out the 2prt for the 4
prt.  I really only need 2 more prts currently, but would be nice to
have a couple still open for the future.

Erik T. writes:
> The Supermicro is better in that it takes up a single slot, uses
> SATA2, and does support hotswap very well, but once again, don't even
> think about using SSD, as the PCI bus gets overwhelmed well before you
> notice any performance increase.

Well that would solve the `for future use' issue.
What do you mean it takes up a single slot?  Don't all pci cards do

> A Supermicro AOC-SAT2-MV8 card, which is a 64-bit/100Mhz PCI-X card
> (but will fit and run just fine in a 32-bit PCI slot).  it has 8
> SATA-2

Near as I can tell from the A-Open AK86 manual, the pci slots are
spec'ed at 32 bit with 33 Mhz clock speed and throughput rate of 133

So does that mean the higher speed of AOC-SAT2-MV8 card would not be

I'm not very knowledgeable about the various  PCI+* cards available.

Does the contact portion of the AOC-SAT2-MV8 card look quite different
from old style PCI but just doesn't use all the contacts in the female
receptacle?  Or does the contact portion look the same as old
style pci.

-------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      -------- 
Ethan wrote:


> I have a number of SiI 3114 cards, and they are decent, basic cards. I had
> to update their firmware to ide version instead of raid version to get them
> working with opensolaris, which was a bit of a pain, but no problems since
> then.

[...] More excellent input snipped (Thank you)

I'm not sure I follow what you are talking about there.  I'm using the
2 prt version of that card, and didn't do any updating or whatever.
It just worked.  I do remember fussing a bit getting the drives to show
up, but as I recall (And its been long enough ago that recollections
could be badly skewed) that was a bios setting.

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