On Sun, 18 Apr 2010, Carson Gaspar wrote:

Before (Mac OS 10.6.3 NFS client over GigE, local subnet, source file in RAM):

carson:arthas 0 $ time tar jxf /Volumes/RamDisk/gcc-4.4.3.tar.bz2

real    92m33.698s
user    0m20.291s
sys     0m37.978s

That's awful!

carson:arthas 130 $ time tar jxf /Volumes/RamDisk/gcc-4.4.3.tar.bz2

real    6m52.888s
user    0m18.159s
sys     0m33.909s

That is a massive improvement!

On a Mac G5 running Leopard (and with the wife running NeoOffice and other apps on the console), I see this extraction time here to my NFS server:

tar jxf ~/scratch/gcc-4.4.3.tar.bz2  54.76s user 99.63s system 39% cpu 6:30.00 

% ./zilstat.ksh -p Sun_2540  txg
waiting for txg commit...
       txg    N-Bytes  N-Bytes/s N-Max-Rate    B-Bytes  B-Bytes/s B-Max-Rate    ops  
<=4kB 4-32kB >=32kB
   7299113    9053088     646649    1298896   52330496    3737892    5058560  
10625   9804    764     57
   7299114   18021496     600716    2720424  105238528    3507950    6709248  
21688  20829    718    141
   7299115    6199592     206653     691992   46944256    1564808    3780608  
10742  10414    308     20

I see similar times when using my old Sun Blade 2500 ("Red") as a client:

% time (bzcat scratch/gcc-4.4.3.tar.bz2 | tar -xf -)
(; bzcat scratch/gcc-4.4.3.tar.bz2 | tar -xf -; )  68.31s user 136.00s system 
50% cpu 6:42.77 total

My NFS server is a Sun Ultra-40 M2 with storage on a Sun StorageTek 2540 arranged as six mirrors. No SSDs are used for the intent log. The StorageTek 2540 seems to offer 330MB of battery-backed cache per controller.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
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