On Sat, 24 Apr 2010, devsk wrote:

This is really painful. My source was a backup of my folders which I wanted as filesystems in the RAIDZ setup. So, I copied the source to the new pool and wanted to be able to move those folders to different filesystems within the RAIDZ. But its turning out to be a brand new copy and since its a copy from same devices, its slower than the original copy which was from a different pool.

As Richard says this is a "dead horse". While each filesystem obtains its storage from the pool, they are still independent filesystems.

If you have the space for double the data, then I recommend creating the destination directory and then using this in the source directory

  find . -depth -print | cpio -pdum /destdir

Using something like 'mv' would be dreadfully (even) slower.

Thankfully, zfs is pretty quick at recursively removing files.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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