On 3/9/2010 1:55 PM, Matt Cowger wrote:
> That's a very good point - in this particular case, there is no option to
> change the blocksize for the application.
I have no way of guessing the effects it would have, but is there a
reason that the filesystem blocks can't be a multiple of the application
block size? I mean 4 4kb app blocks to 1 16kb fs block sounds like it
might be a decent comprimise to me. Decent enough to make it worth
testing anyway.


> On 3/9/10 10:42 AM, "Roch Bourbonnais" <roch.bourbonn...@sun.com> wrote:
>> I think This is highlighting that there is extra CPU requirement to
>> manage small blocks in ZFS.
>> The table would probably turn over if you go to 16K zfs records and
>> 16K reads/writes form the application.
>> Next step for you is to figure how much reads/writes IOPS do you
>> expect to take in the real workloads and whether or not the filesystem
>> portion
>> will represent a significant drain of CPU resource.
>> -r
>> Le 8 mars 10 à 17:57, Matt Cowger a écrit :
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> It looks like I¹ve got something weird going with zfs performance on
>>> a ramdiskS.ZFS is performing not even a 3rd of what UFS is doing.
>>> Short version:
>>> Create 80+ GB ramdisk (ramdiskadm), system has 96GB, so we aren¹t
>>> swapping
>>> Create zpool on it (zpool create ramS.)
>>> Change zfs options to turn off checksumming (don¹t want it or need
>>> it), atime, compression, 4K block size (this is the applications
>>> native blocksize) etc.
>>> Run a simple iozone benchmark (seq. write, seq. read, rndm write,
>>> rndm read).
>>> Same deal for UFS, replacing the ZFS stuff with newfs stuff and
>>> mounting the UFS forcedirectio (no point in using a buffer cache
>>> memory for something that¹s already in memory)
>>> Measure IOPs performance using iozone:
>>> iozone  -e -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -n 5120 -O -q 4k -r 4k -s 5g
>>> With the ZFS filesystem I get around:
>>> ZFS 
>>> (seq
>>>  write) 42360             (seq read)31010               (random
>>> read)20953       (random write)32525
>>> Not SOO bad, but here¹s UFS:
>>> UFS 
>>>                                                                         (seq
>>>  write )42853             (seq read) 100761            (random read)
>>> 100471   (random write) 101141
>>> For all tests besides the seq write, UFS utterly destroys ZFS.
>>> I¹m curious if anyone has any clever ideas on why this huge
>>> disparity in performance exists.  At the end of the day, my
>>> application will run on either filesystem, it just surprises me how
>>> much worse ZFS performs in this (admittedly edge case) scenario.
>>> --M
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