New to Solairs/ZFS and having a difficult time getting ZFS, NFS and ACLs all working together, properly. Trying access/use zfs shared filesystems on a linux client. When I access the dir/files on the linux client, my permissions do not carry over, nor do the newly created files, and I can not create new files/dirs. The permissions/owner on the zfs share are set so the owner (mfitzpat) is allowed to do everything, but permissions are not carrying over via NFS to the linux client. I have googled/read and can not get it right. I think this has something to do with NSF4, but I can not figure it out.

Any help appreciated
Mary Ellen

Running Solaris10 5/09 (u7) on a SunFire x4540 (hecate) with ZFS and zfs shares automounted to Centos5 client (nona-man). Running NIS on nona-man(Centos5) and hecate (zfs) is a client. All works well.

I have created the following zfs filesystems to share and have sharenfs=on
hecate:/zp-ext/spartans/umass> zfs get sharenfs
zp-ext/spartans/umass sharenfs on inherited from zp-ext/spartans zp-ext/spartans/umass/mfitzpat sharenfs on inherited from zp-ext/spartans

set up inheritance:
hecate:/zp-ext/spartans/umass> zfs set aclinherit=passthrough zp-ext/spartans/umass hecate:/zp-ext/spartans/umass> zfs set aclinherit=passthrough zp-ext/spartans/umass/mfitzpat hecate:/zp-ext/spartans/umass> zfs set aclmode=passthrough zp-ext/spartans/umass hecate:/zp-ext/spartans/umass> zfs set aclmode=passthrough zp-ext/spartans/umass/mfitzpat

Set owner:group:
hecate:/zp-ext/spartans/umass> chown mfitzpat:umass mfitzpat
hecate:/zp-ext/spartans/umass> ls -l
total 5
drwxr-xr-x   2 mfitzpat umass          2 Apr 28 13:18 mfitzpat

hecate:/zp-ext/spartans/umass> ls -dv mfitzpat
drwxr-xr-x   2 mfitzpat umass          2 Apr 28 14:06 mfitzpat

I can access, create/delete files/dirs on the zfs system and permissions hold.
[mfitz...@hecate mfitzpat]$ touch foo
[mfitz...@hecate mfitzpat]$ ls -l
total 1
-rw-r--r--   1 mfitzpat umass          0 Apr 28 14:18 foo

When I try to access the dir/files on the linux client, my permissions do no carry over, nor do the newly created files, and I can not create new files/dirs.
[mfitz...@nona-man umass]$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 root root 2 Apr 28 13:18 mfitzpat

[mfitz...@nona-man mfitzpat]$ pwd
[mfitz...@nona-man mfitzpat]$ ls
[mfitz...@nona-man mfitzpat]$

Mary Ellen

Mary Ellen FitzPatrick
Systems Analyst Bioinformatics
Boston University
24 Cummington St.
Boston, MA 02215
office 617-358-2771
cell 617-797-7856

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