This actually turned out be a lot of fun! The end of it is that I have a hard 
disk partition now which can boot in both physical and virtual world (got rid 
of the VDIs finally!). The physical world has outstanding performance but has 
ugly graphics (1600x1200 vesa driver with weird DPI and fonts...ughhh) because 
ATI drivers don't work in Opensolaris for my card.

Virtualbox gives me better graphics than my real install. This is a bit of a 
painful pill to swallow!

One thing I tested right away in the physical install was to see how portage 
performance was compared to Linux. This is a sort of test of the scheduler as 
well as small file performance of the FS. OpenSolaris emerged python-2.6.5 in 
45 seconds compared to 55 seconds in Linux, cmake took 38 seconds vs 53 seconds 
in Linux. In general, a portage operation (like emerge -pv <pkg>) completes 
much much faster in OpenSolaris.

Its not to say OpenSolaris doesn't have issues. I notice short freezes 
(keyboard/mouse and gkrellm updates) lasting few seconds (sometimes more) 
during FS activity. Firefox restart (like after an add-on install) takes 
forever whereas it should be instant because all of it is in memory already. I 
would like to troubleshoot these sometime using DTrace.

Lastly, OpenSolaris is memory hungry! It crawls without it. In the VM, I have 
it using 1.5GB and pkg manager alone can eat more than half of it, throwing 
everything else into swap.
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